My name is
Kasper Salto.
For me, design is

relevant —

Like most people I think more about a given design when something does not work or works poorly. It can be anything from small to big things; e.g. an uncomfortable chair – to a convoluted tax system. It is, to me, very clear when there has been a designer present, and conversely, I can sense when a designer wants to take up a little too much. The best part is when the designer acts as a host to his guest. To me, design is to take something and make it better.

Design is to question the adopted rules, so we can improve and simplify solutions in many disciplines. Historic design has meant a great deal to Danish export, and will continue to be of great importance if we understand why Denmark became so recognized internationally. We are not famous for designing great architecture and furniture alone, but in the combination with sublime craftsmanship and good design thinking, they became something quite unique. If we can reinvent design to replace craftsmanship with something else, perhaps good spirit-work in combination with high technology production, we can go far. From being an exercise in aesthetics, design has also become a profession that can help people live better, healthier lives.

The more society develops, the more we need design as a tool to simplify a world that is increasingly becoming more complex. Today we must define new ways to “sell” our thoughts – since we have outsourced our craftsmanship. Therefore, a redefinition of the concept of design is paramount. There are good examples such as Service Design, which may prove to be the next concept Denmark could be known for.

Educated Industrial Designer (1994) and Cabinet Maker (1988). Salto & Sigsgaard wins the competition, “New furniture for the Trusteeship Council Chamber at UN Headquarters, NY.” (2013). Received The Thorvald Bindesbøll Medal (2012), Engelhardts Memorial Fund (2011), the Finn Juhl Award (2010) and the The Danish Design Award (2010/11).